Thursday, March 20, 2014


Generally etiquette means those norms and practices which are been followed by standardized groups of people. Some people believe that etiquette is originated by the military behavior. But not totally right, etiquette are ways of life, believed and practiced and taught for generations, delivered to the society by parents, guardians, teachers, instructors and so on. Many of today’s etiquette rules came from the 1600’s French Royal Court and were adopted by other societies in Europe and around the world.
When considered the ethnicity and religious values, etiquette rules may vary from society to society. One society may consider its etiquette good and the others may not consider those. In reality when the term etiquette is considered, those are norms which are believed by the majority of societies and in logical perspectives, etiquette can never be ethically wrong.
“Etiquette means treating people with consideration, respect, and honesty. It means being aware of how our actions affect those around us”. (Emily Post, 2013) They have considered this definition to help them build successful relationships within the organization. Hence every organization and society promotes or teaches their people how to behave a modest life.
Born in 1872 in Baltimore, Maryland, Emily Post was an American writer who published Etiquette in 1922, becoming the nation's authority on etiquette in social settings. Since then, Etiquette has been revised four times and remains an important guide for manners, and today Emily Post Institute is one of the leading organizations for etiquette and manners. (Emily Post, 2013)
Etiquette adopted by most societies of the world is alike. Here are some more example of etiquette in different places:
a. It is proper to ask for permission before entering any gathering if it is held in a private place like a home.
b. If we are not given permission, we should not enter and we should leave.
The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said what Imams Bukhari and Muslim reported, "Seeking permission to enter someone's house has been legislated in order to restrain the eyes from looking at something we are not supposed to look at.”
Another proper etiquette is to give Greetings when you enter and exit a meeting.
It is proper etiquette to make room in the gathering for newcomers. This is especially important when the gathering is crowded.
It is proper etiquette for the gathering's newcomers to sit at the first place available.
It is proper to follow the etiquettes of conversation in gatherings. In order to be proper, one should listen to others who speak, and give them ample time to complete his statements without interrupting his speech.
It is proper etiquette to attend gatherings as clean as possible and to remove any bad odors from you and to make sure that the location is also clean and odor free.
As described by some scholars of the west etiquette is to treat others equally and politely, does not mean that to respect elders by standing up or bowing is outdated. It can be described as the weakening of a society by making each and every individual believe that they are superior and the politeness will no more be in existence. But when critically evaluating, when there are no differences in a society and there is no check and balances, when all are equal then there is no need for existence of leaders or masters. Hence social etiquette generates the concept of different levels in a society. Treating others equally really means to respect others as one wants others to respect him/her.

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