Wednesday, November 20, 2013



Maldives is an archipelago consisting of natural 26 atolls with more than 1200 coral islands. Roughly 90,000 square kilometers the atolls are situated atop a submarine ridge 960 kilometers long that rises abruptly from the depths of the Indian Ocean and runs from north to south. 

The population of Maldives is around 300'000, which lies in the range of a small state by nature.
Geographic coordinates: 3°15′N 73°00′E

Most atolls of the Maldives consist of a large, ring-shaped coral reef supporting numerous small islands. Islands average only one to two square kilometers in area, and lie between one and 1.5 meters above mean sea level. Although some of the larger atolls are approximately 50 kilometers long from north to south, and 30 kilometers wide from east to west, no individual island is longer than eight kilometers.
 Some islands are marshy, while others are higher owing to sand and gravel having been piled up by wave action. Often the soil is highly alkaline, and a deficiency in nitrogen, potash, and iron severely limits agricultural potential. Ten percent of the land, or about 26 km², is cultivated with taro, bananas, coconuts, and other fruit. 

 Small State Geopolitics

All Small States with their very nature, share specific concerns and common interests such as challenges caused by environmental and economic vulnerabilities. Small states are those with weaker power to shape regional balance of power. The three criteria – population, extent of territory and share of global domestic product – are most frequently used. During Plato’s time it was considered that the ideal polis, or political community, is the small state, akin to the idyllic ‘Magnesia’ of the Laws. As the history later on changed, the imperialism of the nineteenth century swallowed up many small politics around the world proving that only large and powerful entities were fit to survive. (Alan K. Henriksona A. K, 2001, pages 49-86)
For small states it is impossible to have independent geopolitics, and they invariably have to fit into the geopolitics defined by superpowers and regional powers, which means there is no independent geopolitics for small states. This is only because of the degree of alliance, dependency and vulnerability. 

According to Stanly D. Brunn all states have a place in the world political map and are defined by themselves and others. The power shifts, new democracies, the ebbs and flows of conflict are examples of the nature of intrastate and interstate dynamics that lead to defining and redefining state’s place in the world. So small states are defined and labeled by the influence of the powerful states.
Czechoslovak President (1990s) said, “Small states are successful in the world politics only when they become supporters of the interests of the great powers” (Oskar Krejčí 2005). The only way for a good foreign policy is to intensively study one’s own interests and seek a route to their achievement.
When we take examples of the small states surrounding Germany, they were seen as being too vital to maintain practical autonomy because of the colonial possessions by Germany and would better served by protection and organization within Germany.
Maldives as a small state posses these characteristics as mentioned above."Maldives invariably have to fit into the geopolitics defined by the regional power (India), which means there is no independent geopolitics for Maldives as a small state." Maldives have to always remember the hidden story of all stories. Otherwise there maybe negative implication of understanding about the origin of the geopolitical scenario of all countries.

Hence in Maldives realism is not possible neither desirable. Therefore she has no enemies,  by God no fear of annexation or invasion. Maldives lies within the Indian sphere of influence as India is the regional power. Thereby Maldives will have to go for an idealistic approach since idealism is desirable and possible and it has benefited the nation in the past. 

Maldives needs to work with the global interest while pursuing its national interests. She also need to develop its soft power geopolitics as it is a clear example from the neighboring Sri Lanka which she does too.  

"Enemies of none and friends of all" (Hennayake, 2011) should be the recommended concept of a small state.

Monitor Lizard